Resilience, prevent burnout – We maintain emotional vitality and prevent work exhaustion by activating positive emotions and building emotional supporters.


Mind Innovation is a workshop that teaches psychology-based mind mechanisms, positive psychological resources, and how to redesign your work for organizational change and innovation. We focus on improving the growth mindset, facilitating emotional connection and collaboration, and designing your own karma for positive change.

Our program includes learning psychology-based mind operations, discovering positive resources for growth, and designing work processes for positive change. We also focus on intrinsic motivation, utilizing strengths, and establishing work support relationships for improved work immersion.

Additionally, we help individuals maintain emotional vitality and prevent burnout through resilience-building techniques and mindfulness exercises for improved work attention and decision-making. We also teach positive leadership skills based on positive psychology and devise flexible and creative organizational development strategies for innovation.

Our program also includes discovering positive psychological resources within teams and creating action plans for continuous performance for a hyper-connected team. Join us today to redesign the way you work and foster leadership and collaboration in organizational change and innovation.